Dry Panacur Question


New Member
I know the dry Panacur can be sprinkled on feeder insects, however, my chameleon isnt keeping food down. My question is: Can I put the dosage of dry Panacur into the Critical Care formula, or will it not work? Or maybe even added to water?

Did your veterinarian suggest you use this? If so I would call the vet today before the office closes to see what the vet suggests. Many offices will close early today.
If your chameleon can't keep food down it won't do any good to mix the panacur in with food.

I know... that's why I asked if it could be mixed with the liquid. It's a formula with a bunch of nutrients and what not because he's not keeping food down.
Here's an awesome resource about dosing common antibiotics, dewormers, and other commonly used medications on reptiles: http://www.anapsid.org/resources/rxdose.html

You should be able to mix the dry panacur into a liquid and use the instructions for compounded liquid. Not sure I would mix it with the critical care as that may impede absorbtion. As you are dealing with a cham I would recommend the lowest recommended dosage, any kind of medication can be really tough on their system especially if they're not keeping down food. Good luck!
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