Dry Skin? Not sure what to call it.


New Member
Heres my info.
Chameleon Info:
Veiled Chameleon, around 3 months old, male, i have had it for about a month.
Handling - I take him out probably twice a day. I try not to handle him a lot.
Feeding - I am feeding my Cham about 6-8 small crickets a day around 3pm everyday. I gut load my crickets with the Luker's Thirst Quenchers and High Calcium cricket diet.
Supplements - I use Rep-Cal Herpitive Calcium with D3 and no D3 and I use Sticky Tongue Farm's Miner-All. Heres my schedule: Monday-Calcium with no D3 and with D3 Tuesday-Miner-All Wednesday-Calcium with no D3 Thursday-Herpitive Friday- Calcium with no D3 Sat/Sun - Calcium with no D3
Watering - I have a dripper that i fill up once a day. I spray him about 4 times a day. he runs away everytime he sees me do it. Yes, ive seen him drinking several times.
Fecal Description - Havent had him tested for any parasites. His feces are usually long with about 90% brown/light black color and the other 10% white.
History - Hes young so I dont have any history that is notable yet.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen cage. 16x16x20
Lighting - I use a 60 watt day heat bulb and a Repti-Sun 5.0UVB both from ZooMed. I dont have a timer. Week days i turn on the lights around 7am and turn them off at 10pm. to long?
Temperature - The basking spot is around 88' and the lower spot of the cage is around 77'.It drops to about 68 degrees when he is asleep. I have a ZooMed Thermometer and Hygrometer. I cant find a way to keep the probes in the cage so i just hold it under the light about three times a week for a min to check the temp and humidity.
Humidity - My humidity is between 60-70%. I spray the cage around four times a day and theres a dripper that runs most of the day. I use my ZooMed Hygrometer.
Plants - Yes, I have a small ficus plant in the center of the cage.
Placement - No not near any air vents. Its cage is kinda close to a TV that is almost never on until he is sleeping and is away from people during the work hours. The top of his cage is around four feet above the ground.
Location - I live in Annapolis, MD its getting chilly here now.

Is this patch normal? its on both sides in the same spot. thanks


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Heres my info.
Chameleon Info:
Veiled Chameleon, around 3 months old, male, i have had it for about a month.
Handling - I take him out probably twice a day. I try not to handle him a lot.
twice a day as an awful lot of handling for someone that says they try not to handle the chameleon a lot lol.
Feeding - I am feeding my Cham about 6-8 small crickets a day around 3pm everyday. I gut load my crickets with the Luker's Thirst Quenchers and High Calcium cricket diet.
feed your chameleon a little bit more, 3 months is still very young, and they need as much as they can eat to grow healthy and on time. i'd feed anywhere up to appropriate sized crickets or the same in aprox weight in other feeders.
Supplements - I use Rep-Cal Herpitive Calcium with D3 and no D3 and I use Sticky Tongue Farm's Miner-All. Heres my schedule: Monday-Calcium with no D3 and with D3 Tuesday-Miner-All Wednesday-Calcium with no D3 Thursday-Herpitive Friday- Calcium with no D3 Sat/Sun - Calcium with no D3
Plain Calcium EVERY feeding / Calcium D3 1xEVERY 2 WEEKS / Multivitamin (with beta carotene substitue for Vitamin A) 1xEVERY 2 WEEKS
Watering - I have a dripper that i fill up once a day. I spray him about 4 times a day. he runs away everytime he sees me do it. Yes, ive seen him drinking several times.
Fecal Description - Havent had him tested for any parasites. His feces are usually long with about 90% brown/light black color and the other 10% white.
History - Hes young so I dont have any history that is notable yet.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen cage. 16x16x20
Lighting - I use a 60 watt day heat bulb and a Repti-Sun 5.0UVB both from . I dont have a timer. Week days i turn on the lights around 7am and turn them off at 10pm. to long?
about 2 hours too long. regular cycle should be 12hours on 12 hours off. though an hour more wont help
Temperature - The basking spot is around 88' and the lower spot of the cage is around 77'.It drops to about 68 degrees when he is asleep. I have a ZooMed Thermometer and Hygrometer. I cant find a way to keep the probes in the cage so i just hold it under the light about three times a week for a min to check the temp and humidity.
too hot, get her basking temp to about 78 degrees
Humidity - My humidity is between 60-70%. I spray the cage around four times a day and theres a dripper that runs most of the day. I use my ZooMed Hygrometer.
Plants - Yes, I have a small ficus plant in the center of the cage.
Placement - No not near any air vents. Its cage is kinda close to a TV that is almost never on until he is sleeping and is away from people during the work hours. The top of his cage is around four feet above the ground.
Location - I live in Annapolis, MD its getting chilly here now.

Is this patch normal? its on both sides in the same spot. thanks

i'm not quite sure what you pointing out. you say the skin is dry? there isnt any reason your chams skin should be dry and flaky if your humidity levels are at that.
Looks like he's about to shed his skin! I see you've only had him for a month - has he not shed since he's been with you? Just before a shed, the outer layer of skin goes white and the cham looks like it's been 'frosted'! As babies, chams shed every month or so until the growth rate slows down at around 6 months old. They then shed every 3 months and will shed a different part at a time. Babies can do a whole body shed in a matter of hours. whereas an adult may take several days or weeks and shed one part at a time!:D
unless they are about to shed of course ^^ lol
yeah hes shed twice for me now. i took that picture after he shed though so does it stay like that for a little bit after?
yeah hes shed twice for me now. i took that picture after he shed though so does it stay like that for a little bit after?

it shouldnt. once the shed comes off, the skin under it should be fresh, good colored and hydrated.

go pick up a product called "Tropical Mist" by R-Zilla.

it is not a shedding aid, but will moisten the skin/scales of your reptile, and also has Aloe in it.
i actually bought that but forgot i had it thanks. can u spray the whole cage like it says on bottle?
i actually bought that but forgot i had it thanks. can u spray the whole cage like it says on bottle?

i've always sprayed it directly on the chameleon (avoiding the eyes) it's been said that you can spray over the whole body (including head area), but i wouldn't.
did you mean the brown spot or white stripe?

i think they mean the brown spot. it doesnt really look like anything bad. mabey use soem shed-aid and see if it helps. just keep an eye out. if it stays for a long time get it checked out/if it grows get it checked out. it it slowly goes away. its good. gr8luck!
was talkking about the white rough patch of skin. not brown spots

they are born with that. they turn diffrent colors on the cham aswell. white/brown/black/lime green ect depending on stress levals/sunning ect. thats compleatly normal. heres a pic of my girl to compare. Its the more lime green color. if she had lifter her arm it would have been lighter than the parts showing ^^.---also in my avatar the area is brown due to a little stress.
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a couple ideas.
if the cham puffs up or has a bit of weight on them (need more pics to tell if you cham is over weight) the skin will look cracked/separated.
faded and white is a sign they might shed sometime soon.

i dont think you have anything to worry about. ive seen this on chameleons. usually goes away in due time. just make sure to keep the chameleon hydrated with proper temps, lighting and nutrition.
also too, in the help form, you said that your basking temp was around 88.
perhaps the higher heat was drying your cham's skin, and just looks lighter in those specific areas because of the new colour/patterns that will come in.

something to think about, just lower the temps, spray the mist as directed, and see how that turns out. i wouldnt worry about too much at this point
88 is high for one so young.

That said, it really doesn't look like a concern. It never hurts to mist more, but other than that, I wouldn't worry overly about that. (it almost looks like he's gotten excess feeder dust on him....)
my girl had white cracks, in the same spot (although i can't see it in your picture, i think i know what you're talking about)
she had it right above her stripe, behind her front arms, proceeding to the middle of her body. in between the cracks in her skin it looked like white really dry skin. i started misting more, and after a couple sheds it did go away. as long as you don't see your cham scratching, it's nothing to worry about
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