Dry vermiculite


New Member
Im new to the eggs and breeding so this might be a stupid question.
My vermiculite is drying out and I need to moisten it up can I just mist it and the eggs, or can I not spray the eggs?
When necessary, I just add a little to the medium itself and rely on osmosis to spread it evenly throughout the substrate.

Usually spraying eggs directly is a bit risky...
Oh- should add- nowadays I just use sealed containers so evaporation from the containers cannot occur...
I have my eggs in small containers in an incubator.

Should I have lids on them as well?
I keep lids on mine.

The substrate keeps things humid.

If you do not use lids, you need to keep the entire incubator humid to compensate, and add moisture to the substrate in the containers regularly.

Too much work for me.

I just make sure the substrate is correct, add the eggs, and seal with the lids and forget about moisture content for the duration and relax and wait.



Inside an incubator rather than in cupboard under bathroom sink:

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