Dubia Colony Question


New Member
Hey guys, I've been working with my dubia colony for a while now and I may have run into a problem. I went through them today to clean and I found 2 males...

Is that enough to keep the colony going? There's probably 800 roaches in there, babies, adults, etc. all added up. Probably more.

There could be more males I missed, but it seems like even 5 or 8 at a colony this size is too little to keep it up...

It seems like all the babies are females, too. Is that because they're too small to sex, or is the male to female ratio really little for roaches?

Thanks in advance for your help!

My girlfriend fed off 10 or 15 adult males to her beardie without me knowing until I asked her today. So that's the source of the problem, in case anyone was wondering.....
Adults don't get fed out of my colony. Only nymphs. You can't really tell if a dubia is a male or female tell they get to adults.
whats the smallest size that can be sexed..i also have a young cham and have to feed it 1/2 inch to 5/8 sized bugs.

want to make sure i dont feed off bugs i shouldnt:confused:
Adults don't get fed out of my colony. Only nymphs. You can't really tell if a dubia is a male or female tell they get to adults.
Yeah, I never feed my adults, but my girlfriend didn't realize she'd be killing off my colony of 2000 roaches (which is now 800) by feeding them off. It wasn't until I asked her if she'd been feeding adults off that she told me.

I'm pretty upset about it, I just want to know if the 2 males I found will be able to keep the colony up even if I feed off 10 nymphs a day...
Patience Grasshopper, males will appear as if by magic if you let the last molts take place.

In the meantime, the 2 males will be very happy.:D

Here is an excellent post on another forum that shows you exactly how to sex them before they become adults. It is actually very easy to do if you know what to look for.

Great info! I may have more males on the way than I thought... thanks :)

Does anyone know if glow spot roaches can be kept with dubias? They're kept the same way, so I would imagine so. Just want to make sure first:)
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