Dubia Roach Males


Avid Member
Once I start getting more dubia roach males, what do I do with them?

I can't feed them to my chams, both are too young.

I was thinking about putting them in a separate container and selling them?

I don't know if anyone buys them in my area, though..

So, any ideas?
I have the same issue. Those things breed way faster than my chameleon can eat them and I feel like the adult males are too big even for my full-grown Panther. So now I have many more than I really want. What is their life-expectancy? I've had my colony for over 6 months and I don't think I've seen a dead one yet.
I can't really tell if they're male until they get their adult wings - and by then it's too late to feed them to my chameleon.
You can always turn the heat source off for a while they won't die but they will stop breeding. I think the males are easier for chams to eat than the females even though they look bigger.
Try moving them to a cooler room, or removing any extra heat lighting you have. I just use an undertank heater in a sunroom. They breed fine, not fast, not slow..and I feed my males off first. They are softer. Females have a harder shell. Here is me messing around with a pic I took of a roach in a papertowel tube last night..All is fun and games until a roach comes running towards your eye..
I guess I'll remove the males to a second bin and sell them off to anyone in my area.
How old (big) are your chameleons.
My female veileds eat fully realized male dubias with no issue at all.

The panther was born in August, he's not really that big. Haven't measured him. I would say 4-6 inches? He has a smaller head.

The veiled.. the age is unknown. His head is about half an inch between his eyes more or less. I already bothered them today cleaning out poo, otherwise I'd check.
Brad, if my chameleon chokes I get to smack...no.. AHA! Tickle you. :p I'll try this out tomorrow, they just ate a superworm each and some crickets.
I wouldn't bother feeding the adult males to your cham. I'd sell them to somebody, I'm sure somebody would buy them for the right price. You said the space between their eyes are half an inch??? Arent adult males like 1.75 inches plus...?
I wouldn't bother feeding the adult males to your cham. I'd sell them to somebody, I'm sure somebody would buy them for the right price. You said the space between their eyes are half an inch??? Arent adult males like 1.75 inches plus...?

Is the space between an adult panther or veiled's eyes 2 inches???
They usually go down head first and they are about 1/2 an inch wide.;)
One or two males is food for a couple of days (that's worth more than you could sell them for)
Who is going to buy male dubia anyway?

Anyone who has a larger cham lol! I'll try to take pictures tomorrow, tweasers in hand, ready to pull it out of his mouth if he turns blue - and he's a nosy be! I kid I kid.

But I'll be sure to take pictures of this experience.

The nosy be hasn't shown interest even in the nymphs, but my veiled enjoys them.
my 2 chams that are big enough to handle adult male dubias will only eat them if they are fed with tweezers lol very spoiled chams lol as a matter of everything except for crickets they eat by tweezers.
Most of the time my veiled will only eat from my hand unless I take him out of his cage to feed him out of the bucket... I don't do this anymore.
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