Dubia Roaches Q's


New Member
I understand that this post may sound redundant,and I realize this topic has been discussed multiple times. However to get the most specific awnser I can from you experienced people i felt the need to ask in my own way. So I intend to start a small dubia colony for my single juevinile chameleon and I have a few questions. First of all, what is the best method in starting a colony. Should i buy a few adult pairs? Or should i purchase a few nymphs? Or perhaps a mix? I must stress that I only need a small colony (keep in mind i only have a single jeuvinile cham to feed) I dont want a ridiculous amount of roaches to take care of for no reason. If i do get adult pairs how long will it take them to breed? I need young roaches for my baby boy. Lastly, can anyone reccomend a good place to buy a small amount of roaches? I saw some rather ridiculous prices out there, like $2 a roach. Thank you!
I was in the same place as you about 4 months ago. I wouldn't recommend starting a colony for one chameleon. I have one adult veiled and I started my colony with 20 mated pairs in late October. I know have close to 400 roaches and there numbers are multiplying rapidly. ABDragons sells 100 medium roaches for $25 shipped. I'd recommend that but that's just my opinion.

It took about two moths after I received the adults for them to start giving birth at about 85 degrees.
Thanks Dylan! I guess im just on the border of the two options. I just feel like those 100 roaches would only last me like a month. So its like $30ish a month in roaches. Wouldnt breeding them be so much more cost effective? or am i wrong. Decisions, decisions.
Well i started my colony last year. Take it from me and get the breeding pairs. They will fire out 20-40 babies per female per month. it takes about a month for a baby to get to the weight of a full grown cricket, maybe 6 weeks if its below 75F.

If you start with babies, it will be 6 months before your first batch of babies. if you want to control the colony, feed off or kill most of the males, or in a complete over load situation, get rid of the adult females. Im having good luck only feeding off the males, In my colony of about 1000(mostly half growns with less than 100 females), i have about 50 males at any time if i feed off 6 of them a week.
Thanks Dylan! I guess im just on the border of the two options. I just feel like those 100 roaches would only last me like a month. So its like $30ish a month in roaches. Wouldnt breeding them be so much more cost effective? or am i wrong. Decisions, decisions.
You can alway sell your surplus. Extra bucks for you ;)
If you just want the roaches for a treat item you could start with a few adults. Dubia roaches are very easy to sex as males have wings and females do not. Below are some pics.

Adult male

Adult female

Older nymph

I keep my colony in a large rubbermaid container with 4 or 5 egg flats for increased surface area. I don't feed water jell but give them Oranges, Bananas, Pears, Peaches, etc. I also give them a staple dry diet consisting of Harrison's High Potency. Harrison's is an Organic bird food.

Eventually your colony will produce too many roaches but you can always find other Herpers in your area who would enjoy a few roaches.

Good luck.
Thanks guys! Aside from some fruits for moisture, what is is a good staple food to keep the roaches on?
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