Dubia roaches???


New Member
I recently got my baby veiled chameleon at the San Diego reptile super show! When I was there, I also purchased dubia roaches and mealworms for her. The second day home, I gave her 5 small roaches. She wouldn't touch them. Then, I gave her 3 mealworms. She ate all of them! Ever since, she hasn't eaten any of the roaches I have offered! It's getting me kinda angry since I spent $7 on them Is there anything I can do?????
Roaches don't move enough to get the chameleon's attention. Use a feeder cup, put moving food like crickets and super worms in with them, that may get him hitting the dubias.



PS $7 is nothing my friend, compared to future costs!

Don't be too discouraged. A senior member should chime in soon, but from what I've experienced with mine and read so far, is that when you bring your cham. home, let him/her settle in for a few days.
Your cham. may not like dubias and that's just the way it is for now. He/she may try them at a later date. Keep them in their bin with food and water crystals and wait till next week. Try another food item (crickets) and go from there. From what I've seen, meal worms are a "treat" item and should only be offered occasionally. My feeding schedule consists of dubias, crickets, and super worms with a calcium supplement (no D3) everyday and D3 and vita. X2 per mo. (Veiled). I've also researched silk, phoenix and horn worms, but have not ordered any as of yet.
Best advice I can give you at this point is to visit your local pet shop and see what they have. Lots of options in SD, if you live there. Try a few different things and see what he/she will try and go from there.
I recently got my baby veiled chameleon at the San Diego reptile super show! When I was there, I also purchased dubia roaches and mealworms for her. The second day home, I gave her 5 small roaches. She wouldn't touch them. Then, I gave her 3 mealworms. She ate all of them! Ever since, she hasn't eaten any of the roaches I have offered! It's getting me kinda angry since I spent $7 on them Is there anything I can do?????
Be patient. Try putting in a bowl/cup with crickets. Crickets should provide enough movement to get the small dubia's moving to. Trigging a feeding response.
agreed if you stick them in a cup with mealworms, the worms will irritate them and make them move around, so you cham just might go for them. mine pretty much will eat anything that wriggles. that includes if i wriggle some lettuce in his face.
I am fortunate that CJ loves dubias. He came that way thank god. My 3 previous chams would not eat them on a regular basis and I refuse to free range these critters. Mixing with other more active bugs is what I have read to try and get them to eat the roaches. Also meal worms and super worms both have a very high fat content (like McDonald's food). So should only be a treat. Silks, Horns and phoenix worms are good feeders.
I am fortunate that CJ loves dubias. He came that way thank god. My 3 previous chams would not eat them on a regular basis and I refuse to free range these critters. Mixing with other more active bugs is what I have read to try and get them to eat the roaches. Also meal worms and super worms both have a very high fat content (like McDonald's food). So should only be a treat. Silks, Horns and phoenix worms are good feeders.

High fat in super and meal worms like McDonalds.

Why are all creatures drawn to fats? ;p I read about how stubborn chameleons can be with super worms, wanting to eat nothing but.

I really hate crickets, they always manage to get loose. I'm hoping to start up a Dubia roach colony again when I move out. My roommate had one for his bearded dragon, was SO much nicer to have than crickets. (Also disturbing to watch crickets eat one another even though provided plenty of various gut loading foods...)
I agree with the majority. I mix feeders and hope that my cham accidentally snatches some up while going for another feeder. My guy loves phoenix worms and butterworms. I don't mix superworms in because I know he'll go for them first and not touch anything else after, so I use them last as treats. My dubia colony is about a year old, and spoiled with all sorts of fresh fruits/vegetables. I'm just sad I don't get to feed them off much since it's his least favorite.
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