dubia roaches


New Member
i would like to start a colony and was wondering how many to start out with. and are the roll things that are in the inside TP ok to put in the cage with them with the egg cartons, do they eat the same thing as crickets. any info where to buy them and get the best buy would help too. thank you
I'd recommend buying them from smallpetfeeders.com, his name is Dave and has really good prices on starter colonies. As to actually doing your colony, I'll leave that one to the more experienced. I've seen a lot of colonies with egg crates, though.
I use egg crates and to help hold my were I want it I used the paper towel and toilet paper holders as well.
Will Dubias climb up the screen like crickets? If not how do you feed them to your chemeleon if they like to hunt around the cage for their food.
Will Dubias climb up the screen like crickets? If not how do you feed them to your chemeleon if they like to hunt around the cage for their food.

i dont know that much about them. im just now looking into getting them and the care for them. but i cup feed so i will let some one else answer that one for you and thank you to every one.
Will Dubias climb up the screen like crickets? If not how do you feed them to your chemeleon if they like to hunt around the cage for their food.
If your guy won't bowl feed I wouldn't ever bother with them. Unless tou want to run the risk of one of them getting out, which really isn't a big deal they're not an infection type of roach
dubia are the best! I keep them in a large 50 gal Tupperware type of container. They can’t climb the sides of it.

Put a couple large egg crates in it. cut a hole in the top covered by screen for ventilation. Lastly either use a heat pad or heat lamp.

They pretty much eat anything. If you use a dry gut load, you must put water crystals in for hydration. I personally use whatever old fruit or lettuce I find in the fridge. No water crystals are needed than. You can tell if they are under hydrated if they are dyeing while molting.

As for quantity, I would go as much as you can afford. I made the mistake of not buying enough at first and I had to restock 3 different times!
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