Dulce laid another egg and then she ate it


Chameleon Enthusiast
Dulce my Cuban Knight Anole laid an egg about 3 weeks ago and then today she laid another egg and then she ate the egg. I wish I'd had the video camera but I did get a few pictures. Dr. Alfonso said that she has learned that she can recycle her energy and nutrients. Essentially she is taking back what she put into the egg and since she knows it is infertile, why let it go to waste?

Both times she used the plant instead of the laying bin.





Yum yum yum! You will certainly need to keep a video recorder by her cage in three weeks! :p

She is looking well. How are her people skills?
Fantastic Jann! You seem to be doing very well with her. You should make some sort of care sheet for Knights. What is her current weight? Do you feed her fruit or any gecko foods like Repashy?
Thanks everyone!

Antonio she is extremely smart.

Syn her people skills are great! We are setting up a condo for her this weekend. I have been leaving her cage door open with a tree in front of it and she goes out and in. Sometimes I put her in Luie's FR when he's on the back porch and I have a small plant on the bar in my kitchen that she likes to hang out in. Her cage is right next to my desk and yesterday her hopped out of her cage and onto my desk and came right over and crawled up my arm to my shoulder. She loves sitting on my shoulder and head and she loves to get a chin rub and a belly rub.

James she weighs 48 grams and she’s 8 months old. I think she'll grow until about a year old. She mainly eats the same feeders as the chams. I offer her fruits and veggies when I give it to my chams but about the only fruit she likes is apple sauce and she will lick that off my finger. I do have a care sheet but not that many people keep CK's.

Yes, Olimpia she has grown quite a bit since you were here to pick up Charlotte. Thanks for the compliment.
Apple sauce, YUM!
Ive seen a Knight eat the skin off ripe Queen Palm seeds before. The seeds are to big to eat, so they tear pieces of the seeds sticky orange flesh off then spit the seeds on the ground. Also and this may be hard to swallow, but when the seeds fell to the ground, there were Northern Curlytails picking off the rest of the seeds flesh. This was by far one of the most interesting wild herp observations I have ever made.
Syn her people skills are great! We are setting up a condo for her this weekend. I have been leaving her cage door open with a tree in front of it and she goes out and in. Sometimes I put her in Luie's FR when he's on the back porch and I have a small plant on the bar in my kitchen that she likes to hang out in. Her cage is right next to my desk and yesterday her hopped out of her cage and onto my desk and came right over and crawled up my arm to my shoulder. She loves sitting on my shoulder and head and she loves to get a chin rub and a belly rub.
She definitely has a unique personality. Try to get a video of her behavior, it could be beneficial to anyone who wants to get a CK anole in the future. :)
My Green Anoles have never used a laying box. They are stubborn and lay eggs in odd places.

Your Knight Anole looks great, and is even friendly which is awesome.
My bearded dragon ate 2/19 of her eggs when I uncovered them the next morning after she laid them. Was pretty disturbing to me she would eat her own eggs just hours after laying them =/
my kids loved seeing this pics. thanks for sending them not attached to the forums. I cannot access the forum at school so the only way i can share is to have pics seperate.
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