Dulce shedding pictures


Chameleon Enthusiast
She is just the cutest little thing! :)



Glad to see your little knight is doing well. Ive had a hard time in the past with the wc babies. They never wanted to eat.
Pics of Dulce eating apple sause

Thanks for all the kind words. She eats no problem.......crickets, small silkworms and Phoenix worms. We've been taking her out of the cage and giving her chin rubs and a bite of apple sause on the tip of a toothpick so she's be tame. When she gets bigger she will free range on a tree.......right now she would get lost in the house.



Cute pics Jann. Did I understand correctly, its a wild one? Quite amazing it's adapted to your prescence so well to eat from your hands.
They certainly have a certain 'character' about them I like! :)
Cute pics Jann. Did I understand correctly, its a wild one? Quite amazing it's adapted to your prescence so well to eat from your hands.
They certainly have a certain 'character' about them I like! :)

Yes she is wild caught.....my husband found her at work under the hood of a car trying to stay warm. She is just a tiny baby though so that probably helps with taming her. Next I'm going to try the apple sause on my finger and see if she'll lick it off. :D
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