Dull color? shedding?


New Member
How do you know they are about to shed? i tried to search it and it said no matches? Well my 3 month old veild Cham shed a week or 2 ago but i noticed today she is a dull color like paler than usual? she does change color but it's not as bright as normal does this mean she may be getting ready to shed again? When she is normally a dark brown she is like a light pale brown kinda whitish and her green is a dull green? Any help would be appreciated thanks.
also another question she won't drink out of the dripper she wants me to spray the leaf in front of her to drink but i am afraid it's not enough water? do they need a lot everyday or a few drops a day ok? she is becoming quite spoiled haha
well if she is growing, it is a good chance she could shed soon. maybe within a week.
as far as water goes: Veileds come from areas that have a wide range of rainfall. from 5 inches a year to 100 inches per year. Both of my veileds drink first thing in the morning from their dripper normally. Usually in the late evening they drink again. My male will wait for a leaf to get a large amount of water on it and take a chomp at the leaf. usually only one or two times a day is all they drink. Several feeder have a lot of moisture in them to start off, so drinking isnt alway necessary. that is why veileds are so hardy and a great starter species. they can thrive in a wide range of environments, with changing variables and negligent owners.
well if she is growing, it is a good chance she could shed soon. maybe within a week.
as far as water goes: Veileds come from areas that have a wide range of rainfall. from 5 inches a year to 100 inches per year. Both of my veileds drink first thing in the morning from their dripper normally. Usually in the late evening they drink again. My male will wait for a leaf to get a large amount of water on it and take a chomp at the leaf. usually only one or two times a day is all they drink. Several feeder have a lot of moisture in them to start off, so drinking isnt alway necessary. that is why veileds are so hardy and a great starter species. they can thrive in a wide range of environments, with changing variables and negligent owners.

Thanks i figured as much, she has already shed once but i just noticed only a few flakes that time and then BAM it just exploded off her and she was done in a few hours. I have had her a month now and she seems to be thriving. I am a newbie so i just need reassurance every now and then lol. She is defently growing lol and has the appitite of a beast haha. Just wanted to check to make sure this might be another shed. Thanks again for your help:)
when young chams are growing they can shed quite often. if its a male vailed cham you will notice in the first year his head will shed more then the rest of his body.
also another question she won't drink out of the dripper she wants me to spray the leaf in front of her to drink but i am afraid it's not enough water? do they need a lot everyday or a few drops a day ok? she is becoming quite spoiled haha

5 minutes or more per misting session will ensure you that she gets enough water.
i mist 4 times a day with 4 hours break to allow a complete drying time (i use auto misting system).
even then, he still need to have shower once a week.
i prefer to over water than under water them.
regardless the fact that they are not an aquatic animal.

They live in Yemen mountainous area with rainfalls, moderate humidity, and greenery.
Hope that helps.
5 minutes or more per misting session will ensure you that she gets enough water.
i mist 4 times a day with 4 hours break to allow a complete drying time (i use auto misting system).
even then, he still need to have shower once a week.
i prefer to over water than under water them.
regardless the fact that they are not an aquatic animal.

They live in Yemen mountainous area with rainfalls, moderate humidity, and greenery.
Hope that helps.

Ya i think she is fine but we all know i am a worry wort haha. Thanks guys i hope she sheds soon it's pretty cool to see:D
One of my veileds shed every week to ten days for six sheds when he was that age! Just indicates he's growing quickly. Be sure your supplementing correctly at this stage.. very important as his bones are doing a lot of growing now.
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