Retired Moderator
Last Sunday I got a bit carried away with my *cough* wonderful point and shoot. A few turned out at least a bit decent and I narrowed it down to the following that I uploaded:
Ofelia being unphotogenic, as usual:
Soca, who seems to be off food and should be laying any day now regardless:
A really bad pic of Lady Bitaen where you can all see my exemplary Ficus keeping skills:
Mrs Major, sexy as always (even though she apparently forgot to flush the toilet, whoops) :
Should I call these two Janet and Latoya?:
"I'm hungry....and you really should buy me a female before they're all gone.":
"If you're not bringing food, get outta my cage!":
Little carpet major I got from Mike. I think my favorite saying about Furcifers is gonna apply to this guy for sure:
"You can't see me. Or, wait, can you??"
Half monkey/half flapneck:
Ofelia being unphotogenic, as usual:

Soca, who seems to be off food and should be laying any day now regardless:

A really bad pic of Lady Bitaen where you can all see my exemplary Ficus keeping skills:

Mrs Major, sexy as always (even though she apparently forgot to flush the toilet, whoops) :

Should I call these two Janet and Latoya?:

"I'm hungry....and you really should buy me a female before they're all gone.":

"If you're not bringing food, get outta my cage!":

Little carpet major I got from Mike. I think my favorite saying about Furcifers is gonna apply to this guy for sure:

"You can't see me. Or, wait, can you??"

Half monkey/half flapneck: