Dumb amount of pics


Retired Moderator
Last Sunday I got a bit carried away with my *cough* wonderful point and shoot. A few turned out at least a bit decent and I narrowed it down to the following that I uploaded:

Ofelia being unphotogenic, as usual:

Soca, who seems to be off food and should be laying any day now regardless:

A really bad pic of Lady Bitaen where you can all see my exemplary Ficus keeping skills:

Mrs Major, sexy as always (even though she apparently forgot to flush the toilet, whoops) :

Should I call these two Janet and Latoya?:



"I'm hungry....and you really should buy me a female before they're all gone.":

"If you're not bringing food, get outta my cage!":

Little carpet major I got from Mike. I think my favorite saying about Furcifers is gonna apply to this guy for sure:

"You can't see me. Or, wait, can you??"

Half monkey/half flapneck:
Hahaha ur intro cracked me up! Thats how I feel sometimes when I take Sobe out! I take like 100 pix and only like 5 of them. Nice pix tho :) They are cute!
Stunning pictures! I end up keeping loads of similar photos thinking i'll just keep the best, never end up deleting any though!
Soca is a Babe! Love the Pics Man... Never kept Flapnecks but have been thinking about it. Awesome Chams man... Hopefully see ya at the show in June!
Glad to see I'm not the only one with tons of bad chameleon pictures stored on my harddrive. :rolleyes:

SoCaliSon - I will definitely be at the show in June as will a lot of people from the forums here I'm sure. Maybe we could have an aftershow get together for everyone Saturday night? And thanks for the compliment on Soca. Here's a picture of her from a few months ago:
You have a brilliant collection of chameleons! I like the names Janet and Latoya for the Jacksons girls. When I first got my male Meru I knew he had to be either Michael or Jermain! Michael won!
I dig em... I need to post some new pics of all my lats! They are all doing great too.. And the best news is that I seem to have gotten 1:1 from 2 different clutches! :D
Awesome pics

Every time i get a chance i shoot hundreds on both my digital camera and cell phone some i can take them with me

Looking good, but somehow the collection just isn't the same without Parang. :(


Sigh. It most certainly is not. And that's really why I sat on these pictures for a while before I could bring myself to post them.

Thanks very much for the compliments everyone :D

Dank, those few little leaves at the top of the Ficus actually really surprised me. I thought it was totally dead so I guess I've got a little ways to go before I totally kill it....:confused:
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