Dusting schedule


Avid Member
I have two dusting questions.

1. I have moved Jasper from eating everyday to eating every other day. Do I use the same dusting schedule I dusted with calcium everyday except saturday and then I alternated D3 and a multiviatmin on sundays. Now he eats Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and a treat like a few supers or something on Sunday. Should I dust with calcium M,W,F and alternate D3 and a multi on the treats on Sunday?

2. I am getting a 4.5 month old Panther should I put him on the same dusting schedule as I had Jasper when he was that age?
I just dust almost all the food with calcium (lightly of course!) since Pan is still growing (7 months old) and use the same vitamin/d3 schedule.

Yep, same/similar schedule for a panther baby.
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