here is a good sheet.


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no, i genuinely don't know what youre talking about
Nevermind. Going back to reconstruct, I see I misconstrued your statement, "perfect example why i don't feed them!" to mean you didn't feed the crickets, rather than you don't feed crickets to your cham.
Mea culpa.
Nevermind. Going back to reconstruct, I see I misconstrued your statement, "perfect example why i don't feed them!" to mean you didn't feed the crickets, rather than you don't feed crickets to your cham.
Mea culpa.
basically when I said that I meant "perfect example why i don't feed crickets to my chams" in response to nightanoles post of thay fart themselves ect ect
Anyone any ideas why so many of my crickets are dying daily. They're well fed, warm, watered and lots of room. Strange!

This is a common problem, and it's why I mostly feed dubias and and supplement with a rotation of superworms, hornworms, and waxworms. When I feed crickets I just buy them cuz I don't have a lot of herps. You can cut down on cricket casualties by making sure it is not too humid and I've read that some keepers use vermiculite as a substrate to breed crickets which helps neutralize their smell and seems to help give the waste somewhere to go. I have NOT tried this, I read about it. I don't mind the cricket noise but when you combine that with the smell and their delicate constitution I don't want to bother...dubias are just better nutritionally anyway.
Maybe I have the best source for banded crickets ever, but I rarely have losses. I was out of town for 6 days this week. I fed the crickets and roaches before I left, and had one cricket casualty while I was gone (and he became hermit crab food)

I feed my gut load foods to my crickets daily and keep them in a plastic cricket bin. I don’t have hundreds so that certainly cuts down on the stink, and possibly the losses
Maybe I have the best source for banded crickets ever, but I rarely have losses. I was out of town for 6 days this week. I fed the crickets and roaches before I left, and had one cricket casualty while I was gone (and he became hermit crab food)

I feed my gut load foods to my crickets daily and keep them in a plastic cricket bin. I don’t have hundreds so that certainly cuts down on the stink, and possibly the losses

Anytime I've gotten from ghanns they've been like this. I had banded crickets from them for what seemed like a month or longer. They never seem to smell either.
Anytime I've gotten from ghanns they've been like this. I had banded crickets from them for what seemed like a month or longer. They never seem to smell either.
What is your secret to your crickets not stinking? I get from Ghann’s and keep in a massive plastic tote with vermiculite, but after a week they reek. They live a good long time until they meet the beardie but their stink makes me want to ?
What is your secret to your crickets not stinking? I get from Ghann’s and keep in a massive plastic tote with vermiculite, but after a week they reek. They live a good long time until they meet the beardie but their stink makes me want to ?

I had ventilation on the sides and top and didn't use vermiculite, just barebottom with paper towel rolls. They never smelled, at all.
Ugh. My crix just started to smell so bad over the weekend I had to put them outside. I walked in the room and almost pitched.
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