
I happened to be in my car on my way to lunch... I thought I had a flat tire..till the song ended on the radio and they started talking about the earthquake.

Lol Dean... Shake and Bake baby! Shake and Bake! I will take Earthquakes to Tornado's, Hurricanes, or Sub Zero Winters anyday! I love Cali with a passion... Not many people can say that they have surfing and snowboarding in the same day.:D
I was actually going to post a thread asking how all our Cali members are doing after the quake. Any major damage?
The quake happened about two miles from my house. Chams and dogs are fine but my kitchen is a MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was pretty bad. I am stuck at work we had a fire water main burst and flooded the building and our Data center. OUCH!!!!. lots of overtime which should pay for my next Cham... :D
Ryan and I live so close to Chino Hills (the epicenter)..
Some water hydrants burst. I heard there are 5 minor injury cases. But, nothing big so far.

The second after shock is about 3.6
Hopefully, everybody is ok.

my dog sleeps the whole way through:confused:. He wake up a minute later asking me for food and then after eating, he went back to his favorite bed.
He is a rescue black Shar pei (blind from glaucoma. The vet took both of his eyes out).

My cham is a bit shaken i guess. but, they are fine.
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Yeah kent there was a tremor today
I felt it... nobody else in the office did.. just me.
I'm really good at picking up vibrations in the subsonic range.
it was less than a 1.0 by the time it got to us.

5.8 isn't a "big" quake people
it's just one that rattles all the noobs that moved into the golden state.

It takes something more than a 6.5 (just under 10 times stronger)
to get me to get out of bed. because that's when the windows can start shattering
and older multi story buildings "pancake down" flat.

Otherwise I get a good giggle imagining all the midwesterners running around
trying to pack themselves into the doorways or under the office desk. (heheh)

If a 5.0 quake was to happen somewhere else
There would be lots of damage with walls of bricks raining down crushing people and cars
but due to the enhanced building codes we have here
it'll take a MAJOR quake in the 7.0+ range to start showing some real destruction.
It's "THE BIG ONE" that I'm NOT looking forward to having to deal with
Just imagine the inept federal response to katrina..
but only for something 100x larger... that could get really ugly.
The San Andreas fault is way over due for it's next BIG one...This was just a burp compared to what we should be ready for.
A long time ago when i was living in Greece we had a 7.5 quake and ill tell you i had nightmares for months. Actually left Athens for the islands for a couple of weeks. I was definitely weirded out. Scared the bajongers off of me. Don't know how you guys can do it.

Hope you get your kitchen all cleaned up. What kind of cham are you going to get now? lol.

it was a good shaker here:eek: but I didn't even get off the pot:D

I actually started laughing during the quake at what an odd predicament I had myself in:D:eek:
I was at work wedged in between a wall of a garage and a chain link fence when the earthquake occurred... pretty bad location. However, not nearly as bad as my co-worker who was working in a crawlspace under a mobile home!
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