

Avid Member
We just had a 5.0 earthquake about 2 hours ago. Everything is all good though. My cham slept right through it. Now I got to prepare for any aftershocks.
That's heavy!!!
It's not a big one I guess, but I don't get them in my Country so any earthquake to me would be an experience!
Glad, your cham slept through it though! lol:D
I live in the Bay Area (San Jose). Today I felt another smaller one as I was doing work on the computer. This only happens every 10-15 years.
hehehe.. welcome to kalifornia

It takes at least a 6pointsomething to even get me out of my bed nowdays...

Even then, after a nice quake I generally take a perverse pleasure in knowing
that for miles around households of newly immigrated families are freaking out,
running out into the streets in their underwear and all gabbering
about wanting to move "back home where it's safe". :rolleyes:
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yeah...I think its been about 10 years since I felt one. I seem to just sleep right through them.

i hope there isnt one that i wake u to anytime soon ;)
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