Easter Chammy?

I saw that when it was posted and thought that the photo must be distorted somehow. Yet the other items in the photo don't look out of proportion. And even the chams body proportions don't look distorted. Man, I wouldn't mind owning a cham like that, but I am guessing he's not for sale. The veiled ladies probably swoon over him!
Really LOL :)

My gosh that's funny! It looks like a big shark fin. The theme from "Jaws" is playing in my head right now. Look out lady chams!
There is another picture of him under veiled chameleon pics on their website.
I don't know the address...I just googled A1 Reptiles.

I saw A-1 Reptiles the Columbus, OH show. She had approximately 150+ veiled babies in 2x2x4 ft aluminum enclosure with bunched up paper towels at the bottom. Every once in a while a veiled baby would fall down to paper towely softness. Should have taken a picture. It was kinda funny.
"We come from France"

At the last NARBC show a booth had some MASSIVE veilds that had crazy large cone heads... Im not sure if it was A1, but everytime I look at that add I think of them.
I like the smaller heads myself...
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