Easy way to dust food

Day Man

New Member
I'm not sure if anything like this has already been posted, but I thought i'd share a easy method I use to dust crickets.

What you need:
Gatorade bottle
Cardboard tube

Just keep a cardboard tube (from paper towl or toilet paper) in the cricket cage. And when it comes time to dust just grab the tube with crickets in it and put it on the gatorade bottle and shake them in. When you dump them out the grooves in the gatorade bottle catches most of the powder and the crickets fall out. Works for other insects too! :D


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Hmm cool.

I use a shot glass sized plastic cup... I put in as many crickets as I think he'll eat. I shake whatever im gonna dust over the crickets. then i place a plastic lid on top and shake. I then dump the crickets into the feeding cup inside of the cage. The reason I use a small cup is because the crickets can't get enough room to jump.... they just climb all over eachother.
i use a flour sifter and pour crickets into it (after dusting) over trash can, excess dust falls off

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Day Man,

are you concerned about putting the feedres into container shaking leaving biolobgical remants then using again. how often do you dump your containers?

just a thought

Guiness is good and all, but Stella is amazing. I'd say Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is probably my all time favorite.

mczoo- thats a good question. I usually only put a pinch of supplement in so it doesn't last that long. And ill rinse them out every once in a while
shake and bake

i use the shake and bake method, put them in a plastic ziplock and shake then i open the bag on one side and the crickets just crawl out into the cage only i dont bake em lol

well i throw out my baggy with dust in it after two uses, i really dont put much powder in there so i dont waste too much it only takes a bit of it, and yes i do the catch and release method too i used to fish a lot lol
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Heres my method....
I put a tube that has one end capped off in my crickets container. When I want to dust them I take the tube out and put the powder in the tube. Then I have a small piece of screen that I rubber band over the open end of the tube. I turn the tube over and shake out all the excess dust through the screen. The screen lets the dust shake out, but holds the crickets in. Then I just remove the screen and shake the dusted crickets into the cage. It works great!
I like that one Dan.

I also have a cup that has a lid and a removable bottom. The center part of the cup has a grate at the bottom of it. You drop the crickets in, add the supplement and then shake well. You then remove the top and bottom and dump out the crickets (the bottom section hold the excess supplement). I find that small crickets can escape the bottom and that there is just too much supplement in the container and the crickets are covered with too much supplement. I could prolly find a happy medium. but my shot cup method works well for me, I know how much supplement to add to get the right amount of coverage on the crickets.
I just use a lg freezer bag and put some dust into it and the crickets im feeding and shakin bake them before i feed
Day man have you tried any of the Flying Dogs brews. They are my fav. Wildgoose in Frederick Maryland started brewing that but it is originally brewed in Denver. If not you got to try it they have all kinds of flavors.
Yea I have tried some of them. They are really good. There's a lot of good micro brews around here.
If you guys are using anything to "catch excess" dust off of the crickets, or collect extra powder each dusting session, you are using way to much.

The crickets should not look like ghosts when you are finished, it should hardly even be noticeable. I am currently using a tweezer pinch of the said dust for the particular day on my schedule, and dumping that into a cup of crickets, and swirling it around in circles to lightly coat them all. If you are seeing excess powder clouds float up after you are done shaking, cut waaayy back on the amount you are using!!!
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