Eating Dirt


New Member
my 4 month old veiled chameleon seems to be shooting at my substrate today .. there are about a dozen 1/4 inch crix in his cage. first he was only going to 12 corner that he would aim at so i put a dark green peice of material there to cover it and he just moves to a diffrent spot, does this mean he is bored of crikets and wants something else or is he just weird ?
my 4 month old veiled chameleon seems to be shooting at my substrate today .. there are about a dozen 1/4 inch crix in his cage. first he was only going to 12 corner that he would aim at so i put a dark green peice of material there to cover it and he just moves to a diffrent spot, does this mean he is bored of crikets and wants something else or is he just weird ?

I dont really understand what your talking about but when it comes to your cham eating dirt thats something that they all will do just make sure you get that covered up with some rocks. If he ingests too much of it it can cause impaction.
Might I ask why you have dirt as your substrate? I'd be wary of it for two reasons. As noted, it can be bad for your chameleon. Crickets will also lay eggs in dirt, which might sound fun "free crickets!" but won't seem great when you have a ton of them in with your chameleon.
Might I ask why you have dirt as your substrate? I'd be wary of it for two reasons. As noted, it can be bad for your chameleon. Crickets will also lay eggs in dirt, which might sound fun "free crickets!" but won't seem great when you have a ton of them in with your chameleon.

Im sure he is referring to soil as dirt. At least I would assume that this is the case since they are similar.
its not dirt, i was just sayin, and no its not soil either, its a fine substrate i picked up from my local petstore, notsure what its called right now but ill let you know when i rememeber
its not dirt, i was just sayin, and no its not soil either, its a fine substrate i picked up from my local petstore, notsure what its called right now but ill let you know when i rememeber

i personally dont use substrate. they really dont need it since they spend most there life climbing. plus i think without it it makes your terrarium look more professional ;)
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