Eating to?


New Member
So I am a relatively recent cham owner but I've done tons of research and tried some different things but I was wondering how everybody feeds greens to their chams? Lately I just rip them into somewhat small pieces, stick them in a small feeding bowl and she will eat right out of it. However, if a piece is to big, she tries to rip it but can't because it's not a part of an entire plant or there a way to do this differently? I tried hanging them before but I don't think she can tell the difference between the fake leaves and the real stuff unless its in a bowl.

Also, I feed her about 7-11 crickets every day depending on the size and a few greens as well but she still hunts for crickets throughout the day and I know she'd eat more if I put more in there but she looks healthy (not obese and not starving) so should I just stick with that? At what age do I begin to feed crickets every other day?

She is a veiled, about 4 1/2 -5 inches long not counting the tail. (I don't know exactly how old?)
I would first feed her as many crickets as she'll eat in the evening before lights out. Second, you should try cutting the greens to the size a cricket would be, or into small cubes depending on what you're feeding. If the veggies (lettuce especially) are too big of pieces, she could choke on them. Best of luck!
At what age do I begin to feed crickets every other day?

Neonates: as many small crickets as they can eat several times a day
Juveniles 3-6 months of age: 10-12 small crickets daily
Juveniles 6-12 months of age: 10-12 medium crickets every other day
Adults over 12 months of age: 7-10 medium-large crickets every other day

As for the greens. Do what you have to. Cut them smaller if need be. I think she'll figure it out if you hang them eventually but who knows. It's worth a shot, no? Mine did. I can put them anywhere and she'll get to them.
I would first feed her as many crickets as she'll eat in the evening before lights out. Second, you should try cutting the greens to the size a cricket would be, or into small cubes depending on what you're feeding. If the veggies (lettuce especially) are too big of pieces, she could choke on them. Best of luck!

The chameleon should be fed during the first half of the day. This will give ample time to bask and digest.
A good rule of thumb is to have them finish eating at least 4 hours prior to lights out at night. This way they will have time to digest the food items in their bellies.
On a side note, i feel that ppl are way too overly cautious about feeding a cham earlier in the day, under the misconception that they require a set amount of time to digest their food. A Cham in the wild would not turn down a meal simply because it's later in the day. So long as the night time temp doesn't fall really low (as into the 40's) , your chams digestive system will just slow down, as will all it's other functions. As soon as it heats back up the following day it will pick up no ill effect.
Thanks everyone! I think ripping up the greens into small pieces and putting them in the bowl is the best way, she seems to be getting the hang of it now! She usually eats in the morning because that's when she expects it and I have to be gone the whole day and it seems to be working fine for her.
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