New Member
hey guys, i have a jacksons chameleon, he is in a 5' high, 3' wide and 3' deep enclosure... he gets rained on 3 times a day for 10 minutes... he has a humidifier that runs for 1 hr 3 times a day (3 hrs total)... his humidity is consistently over 65% ... he has UVA and UVB... his basking temp is around 90 but there are several vines he can be on around there to control temp... he gets fed daily, recently he has only been eating one or two giant mealworms a day, and rarely any crickets. its like he doesnt like them anymore... i put a few crickets in his feeder box every day and he MIGHT be eating one a day....
does anyone have any ideas?
p.s. there are pics on my gallery so if there is any confusion please have a look....
thanks ahead for ideas
does anyone have any ideas?
p.s. there are pics on my gallery so if there is any confusion please have a look....
thanks ahead for ideas