New Member
I have a "virgin" female panther chameleon that I have had since she was 3 months old, she is now 12 months old that weighs 75g she eats and drinks fine but isn't super active, she stays mostly on the same branches and prefers to be left alone unless you have food. I am worried because she hasn't showed any interest in her lay box (A 10"W x 12"L x 10"H box filled with equal parts coco bedding and sand mixed with enough water to hold form when squeezed but not soaked, it has one of her branches extending out of the box) she has walked through it a few times but never stays long and I thought by now she'd have laid eggs or at least started preparing to? She is super fat but when I try to palpate her belly all I can feel is ribs I assume? I compared the way her belly feels to my 11 month old male panther and other than her belly being a little bigger than his, they both feel the same. Any ideas? This is my first female chameleon so the egg thing is a learning curve for me. Thank you!