Egg bound panther?


New Member
I have a "virgin" female panther chameleon that I have had since she was 3 months old, she is now 12 months old that weighs 75g she eats and drinks fine but isn't super active, she stays mostly on the same branches and prefers to be left alone unless you have food. I am worried because she hasn't showed any interest in her lay box (A 10"W x 12"L x 10"H box filled with equal parts coco bedding and sand mixed with enough water to hold form when squeezed but not soaked, it has one of her branches extending out of the box) she has walked through it a few times but never stays long and I thought by now she'd have laid eggs or at least started preparing to? She is super fat but when I try to palpate her belly all I can feel is ribs I assume? I compared the way her belly feels to my 11 month old male panther and other than her belly being a little bigger than his, they both feel the same. Any ideas? This is my first female chameleon so the egg thing is a learning curve for me. Thank you!

A couple days to a week or so before laying, their ribs can and will expand out. It can be creepy looking. She should start checking out her bin for a couple days prior to laying. First, to make sure one is available. Second, to make sure she likes it. After that, she will will make test digs for a couple days, making sure it is suitable. The whole process can take 7-10 days, give or take a couple days depending on the experience of the female. Upon not eating for 2-5 days she should lay. If get goes longer, there is a definite problem. A trip to the vet for Oxytocin will be needed.
Has she shown you colors even close to this picture lately. This is a very common color for Gravid panthers.
In my opinion she looks very healthy and my guess is she's not Gravid. (Could be wrong) Actually she looks receptive right now.


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I have a "virgin" female panther chameleon that I have had since she was 3 months old, she is now 12 months old that weighs 75g she eats and drinks fine but isn't super active, she stays mostly on the same branches and prefers to be left alone unless you have food. I am worried because she hasn't showed any interest in her lay box (A 10"W x 12"L x 10"H box filled with equal parts coco bedding and sand mixed with enough water to hold form when squeezed but not soaked, it has one of her branches extending out of the box) she has walked through it a few times but never stays long and I thought by now she'd have laid eggs or at least started preparing to? She is super fat but when I try to palpate her belly all I can feel is ribs I assume? I compared the way her belly feels to my 11 month old male panther and other than her belly being a little bigger than his, they both feel the same. Any ideas? This is my first female chameleon so the egg thing is a learning curve for me. Thank you!

From these pics she is GRAVID and due soon!!!! you can PM if you need help.
Thank you all for your replies. She is typically that color, sometimes she will have really pretty dark brown or black stripes against that light pink background but not very often. on 5/2/15 I weighed her at 57g and on 8/23/15 I weighed her at 74g and I weighed her yesterday at 75g meaning she hasn't gained any new weight since I weighed her on 8/23. She eats everyday and I started wondering if anyone else has ever had a chameleon that will continue eating while gravid and close to laying or even egg bound? Basically I am wondering if I shouldn't be concerned at all as long as she is still eating? Thanks again!
Yes she is gravid. That is a noticeable abdominal bulge, I think I even see a little egg outline in the last one and that kind of weight gain is classic. My panther never showed gravid colors. I knew she was gravid by weight, fat belly, or sometimes just when she laid without warning. Mine ate up until the day she laid too. Make sure her laying bin is in her cage 24/7/365. My girl did get egg bound once and continued to eat like normal. Then one day had her eyes closed so she got oxytocin and dropped them that day. You have a big gap between weights so if the weight gain started in June I'd be worried, but if it didn't start until August she's still within the window of being normal. Monthly weights are super useful for monitoring females especially. :)
Well not much of an update but she is still basically the same weight and is still doing seemingly well (Eating, drinking, pooping), however, still no eggs. What's the oldest virgin Panther to finally lay eggs?
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