egg bound

ok i just dug the hole and put her into the hole head first at first she way trying to get out and not she is just stiitng in the hole with her butt in there she is not showing any strees signs like dark colors ....what if she eats some of the sand is that a bad thing b.c i didnt put her in there head first
will i just mist for under a mint to keep the sand moist not too much misting its weird and the sand isnt soaked
she half way in the hole seems like she wants to get out im going to leave her like that and check back a lil later i have to go back to work ill keep you guy/girls up dated thanx
ok so i got back home and she was out of the hole and just sitting on the floor...maybe i should make a deeper hole???or a hole by her leaves??
she seems very weak i put her in the hole she tryed to climb out and then just laid down so i picked her up and put her in a vine and now she is just sitting there looking dosent seem like she is going to lay these eggs...i made a bigger hole for her to just walk in into....what would be the next step?
IMHO your chameleon is going to die. I don't know if a vet could help at this point or not....but it might be her only hope. I'm sorry that this has happened to your chameleon....poor thing. :(

If the vet removes them surgically you might be able to incubate the eggs and at least her life would have served to carry on her line.
She's too weak to lay the eggs and she most likely passed the time that she could have laid the eggs.

When a female is gravid its a difficult time for her....the husbandry has to be right (good nutrients, temperature, etc.), she has to be given the peace to lay her eggs without being disturbed repeatedly, she has to have a place that is suitable for her to lay the eggs available at the time she needs to lay them. Its even harder on a recently WC because she has to cope with a habitat change too....constant predators (keepers) being around her.
if she does god forbid dies can i take her to the vet so the vet can take the eggs out and i can incubate them???i hope she dosent die:mad::(
It's not quite as simple as that- though it is possible. You have no idea if the eggs are ready, past their prime, burst or otherwise. Second to that, don't expect ever to have eggs hatch during your first incubation attempt- it takes a bit of practice. So it is possible, but there are plenty of variables and potential problems to depend on it.
I don't claim to know more than any of the people that have responded to you. But I've lost a number of chamleeons during my short time in keeping compared to some here that have responded to you.

I don't think she'll make it. No. Theres only so much that chameleons can surprise us with, and I don't thinkk she'll surprise us this time.
will you were rite she isnt going to pull thru i just got home she is soo weak she barly hold on to the branch i just have to wait till she dies and even then i dont know what to do with her...her stomach is just hanging there is so much eggs in there i was hoping she would pull thru and be a mommy i guess thats my luck:mad::( thank you for everything guy/girls
did u try digging the hole for her and placing her into it... i had to assist my Female veild a while back
i did but she is soo tired and has not strength to get out of the hole when i put her in she just tries to get out and when she cant she just stops trying and just lays on the sand she has like 0% energy.... i moved her to a smaller trash can b.c the other one was leaking all over my floor and it was big so i figured in a smaller one maybe it would be easier for her to move around but i laid her on a branch she gave me some hope because she opened her eyes...before her eyes were closed..i pre dug a hole rite by the branch..i know there isnt any hope for her but should i put a plastic plant into the trash can or just leave the one jungle vine that she is on rite now and wait??
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