Thank you very much! Yes she finished her process and cover the hole. She’s back in her chill spot in her ficcus tree. I misted her lightly and watched her drunk. I put a couple crickets and a super worm but I don’t know if she has eaten. I have to work tonight and everything g will be closed tomorrow probably but I will get some vermeculite and perlite. Maybe some peat moss as I’ve heard in another video. The bulb I have is a black incandescent light to regulate temperature. I’ve always used them. If you suggest not then I won’t. This whole experience is nerv racking but also exciting!You said…”when I bought her she was in a tiny cage with two males”…since we’re not sure of her age, it’s hard to say. Once the eggs are laid we might be able to tell you…so I would plan on incubating them until we see them.
You said…”Should I incubate the sand?”…no…sand will dry the eggs out. Moist coarse grained vermiculite is what I’ve always used. Moisten it just enough so that when you take a fistful of it you can’t squeeze out more than a drop or two of water. @MissSkittles has already given you some information about incubating the eggs.
You asked…”What would I do with a bunch of babies?? I didn’t get her to breed her but I knew I would have to deal with the egg laying process but just not this soon.”…you could raise them for several months and then sell them. You will have months to decide…takes time to hatch them! One step at a time!
You said…”It’s the only night light they had. It’s black”…a long tube light or a coloured incandescent bulb?