Egg Retention in my Blue Bar Panther Cham!!


New Member
So it has been about a week since I started to notice a behavioral change in my female panther (~1 year old). She had been starting to crawl on the floor and exhibited a restless behavior. She had done this before but after about a week went back to being normal. For the past few days I noticed that she stopped eating, yet was still drinking water. As I wasn’t aware that female chams needed a place to lay eggs (even if they had never matted) her cage was not supplied with a place to lay eggs. Yesterday I took her to the vet and after an x-ray it was very apparent that she was retaining a large clutch of eggs.

Although, the vet gave her a calcium injection and gave me Neocalglucon + Amino B (liquid form) to administer to her every day (he told me that she would eventually just absorb the eggs), I would like any advice from anyone who has experienced this before.

I understand that is can be fatal and I am worried that giving her the Neoclaglucon +Amino B is not enough.


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My girl hasn't had eggs yet but I do know it's quite rare for chameleons to re absorb eggs, that kind of thing is more common with bearded dragons and some types of gecko. She needs to get those eggs out or she may become egg bound and die. This is a common end to females which can be prevented a lot of the time.

You can try and prepare a laying site for her and see if she lays but if she is holding on to them she will need to see the vet again. The vet can give her a shot of oxytocin which should enduce the laying.

Here's a great video on how to make a laying bin

And here's a great blog in egg laying and general keeping if female chaneleons

I hope this helps :)
I should have added, the shot will only work if she's not too weak by now. If she is too weak she will need to have them surgically removed and you can have her productive organs removed too so this doesn't happen again :)
Holy smokes, I'll say she's got eggs!! They look like they're almost coming out of her mouth!! I would go ahead with the meds the vet gave you and prepare a laying bin for her. She will not lay her eggs if she's disturbed or in a high traffic area so if this is the case, give her he laying bin and then cover her enclosure with a towel or cloth so she has complete privacy. I hope everything comes out okay in the end! Good luck!
oxytocin shot or the surgery

Thanks for all the help. Today I did what the vet said, and im not sure if i see any improvement. She still isn't moving much; although she still has a grip, she is not walking around. Ive placed her in a laying bin with some sandbox sand (damp enough to support a small tunnel), but she doesnt seem to want to dig. Do you think I should ask the vet for an oxytocin shot or opt for the surgery , or wait another day and see?

again thanks for the help!
Send a message to members Dr. O or Ferretinmyshoes. They are both vets and could advise you better but it sounds like it's time for a shot. The oxytocin will induce contractions and force her to lay the eggs, especially since she is too weak to lay.

I have not heard of a female this gravid ever reabsorb the eggs, they really are going to have to come out.
Thanks Olimpia,
I sent a message to Ferretinmyshoes and got a quick reply back! Tomorrow I'm taking her back the vet getting the oxytocin shot ASAP!!
Thanks Olimpia,
I sent a message to Ferretinmyshoes and got a quick reply back! Tomorrow I'm taking her back the vet getting the oxytocin shot ASAP!!

Ferret is awesome and has helped me a lot too! Please let us know how she does! Hopefully she will be able to lay with the oxytocin and won't need syrgery! Good luck!
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