Eggbound Dissection:::Photos Inside

Well, the thread came up the other day about the oxytocin and females being eggbound. I thought I might share some photos of a second year female that we lost. I hope you can all appreciate this for learning and not post rude comments.





I am so sorry to hear that this happened to your female. Clea gave me a scare when she wouldnt lay but sure enough she layed behind the laying bin:confused:

Thanks for sharing. R.I.P little girl
It looks to me like the eggs were larger than normal. Did they seem larger to you or is it just my perspective? Are the eggs fertile? Sorry you lost your girl but I will hopefor the best with the eggs.
Great pictures, more people should open their dead animals and extend their knowledge. For some its not an option, for me its a must if there is any kind of dispute around the death.
Hi there
im sorry for your loss , what a shame .I hope you dont mind me asking , you might be able to help me . How does a veiled chameleon act when she is egg bound. My 8month old scratches around the bottom of her viv . Ive given her a sand pit and she has live plants waterfall ect.. sometimes when she sees me , she tries to get out . she's quite active and is eating ok. My worry... is she egg bound or scratching to get out.How long should this go on .
ps Im a new member
sandy mackie said..."How does a veiled chameleon act when she is egg bound"..she will likely sit low in the cage often with her eyes shut and refuse to eat. I have also seen them dig a hole and act like they are laying the eggs, fill the hole in and return to the branches. Sorry I can't be more specific.

You said..."My 8 month old scratches around the bottom of her viv . Ive given her a sand pit sometimes when she sees me , she tries to get out"...has she dug at all in the sand box? Does she turn almost black in the background with bright blue dots and yellowish splotches? How much do you feed her per week? What's the temperature in the warmest part of the cage?

You said..."she has live plants waterfall"...usually waterfalls are not recommended since they are hard to keep clean. I would rather use a mister/misting system or a dripper to provide water.

Justin Carl...sorry for your loss. Its never easy losing one. The photos were good and helpful.
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I'm sorry you had to lose a little one so soon, but..
Thank you for taking time to go through with this and post pictures. It's something everyone can learn from.
Can you tell us more about how your cham behaved through the whole process of being eggbound? I just had a bad experience and would like to learn more... Luckily, my veiled has pulled through, but I don't know if there may still be reason for concern. Thanks, and sorry for your loss.
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