I have a female panther who is eggbound..... she is rapidly declining and I want to do anything I can for her before I make the decision to euthanize..... she dug within the proper time frame to lay but came back up without laying. She did this several times in a 5 day period. She is a shy girl so we gave her complete privacy . She has laid in the same medium with the same moisture level in the past without any trouble.... X rays at the vet show zero signs of a calcium deficiancy or MBD.... She was given 3 doses of oxytocin without any result.... The vet said the eggs may just be too large for her to pass........
She is still eating and drinking in small amounts but her pads are completely sunken in and her eyes are sunken in also . We are now syringing her water... She is beginning to sleep for periods of the day. It's unlikely she would survive surgery at this point... I don't know what to do to help her and I don't want to throw in the towel but also don't want her to suffer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
She is still eating and drinking in small amounts but her pads are completely sunken in and her eyes are sunken in also . We are now syringing her water... She is beginning to sleep for periods of the day. It's unlikely she would survive surgery at this point... I don't know what to do to help her and I don't want to throw in the towel but also don't want her to suffer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.