Eggs are Nowhere to be Found


New Member
The last few days my female veiled has been digging a hole in her laying bin and sitting in it about to lay her clutch. She slept in it overnight which made me a little worried. Now she left the hole and covered it back up as if she laid her eggs. However upon further inspection there are no eggs where her hole was. She is back to normal and eating like as if she did lay them and she is much thinner like she laid her eggs. I just cant find them, it's very strange to me.
dump the entire lay bucket out and search through it that way.

sometimes they have laid them much deeper than we think,
What are the chances that she went through all the trouble of digging and attempting to lay even though she didn't have to?
That is a good number for veiled. It is actually a lower number than most get from veileds. My panther female has laid 3 clutches, the first 2 were 26 eggs and the 3rd was 36 eggs. Female veiled are known to carry large numbers of eggs, even as many as 100, though large clutches are harder on the female. A small clutch can mean that you are not overfeeding her and her temps are not too warm.
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