Eggs fertile?


New Member
My yemen is just about fit to burst, she is massively barrel-shaped, and displaying the right gravid colors.

She was with the male for 2 visits and he definitely connected with her but I'm not sure for how long (I think it was at least 5-10 minutes).

My question is, what is the likelihood that the eggs will be fertile? The male has not be in very good condition, I rescued him from a pet shop but he has protruding eyes and a fat casque. However, he is still pretty active and always 'up for it' with the female. She didn't really show any sign of being gravid until a few days after they were together.

What are my chances do you think?
It's really hard to tell. Any chances here wouldn't be true because there is no logical way of giving a percent. It's better to just say good or bad, but even that, I don't know. In all truth, though, I think as long as he's alive they might be good.
The first "problem" is that you aren't sure the male is producing good sperm if he's not in good health. Can't help you with that.

If the male is producing good sperm then either the clutch could be fertile or it could be partly fertile.
Has the female laid eggs before?
When was the female mating with the male?
This will be her first clutch though she has tried a number of times in the past without the eggs successfully calcifying (my fault). She is certainly mature enough. I guess I have to just wait and find out. Though the male has not had a good start and is still odd looking he has been given a good diet so maybe there is a change that he is fertile?

I put the female in with the male and she stayed a pale green color (no gaping or aggression). He mated for a while. I put him in the next day and same happened (though I didn't watch this time, he definitely connected the first time). a few days later I tried again and she turned black and 'gaped' at him. She then had the gravid orange colors and turquoise spots along her back. Since then she has got bigger and bigger and I have upped her calcium and vit doses. Since the first mating to now, it must be about 2 weeks?
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