Hey everyone.
Suddenly when I'm trying to take out my Cham she hisses at me, all the time.
She never did that before, always let me pick her up..
As soon as I came close with my hand, she hissed... A bit closer and she nearly bit me.
But she still eats food from my hand if I bring it inside the terrarium.
Could she be like, scared of me because I sprayed a little on her? (It's a big spray cone so it's not like one of those hard spray thingie, just soft and "misty")
She feels like I'm torturing her or something?
Or... Is it because she might want to lay eggs? She likes to sit under the heat lamp a bit more, sat there all day yesterday. Not 100% sure but it looks like she's a bit, just a tiny bit fatter..
/Thanks, Peter
Suddenly when I'm trying to take out my Cham she hisses at me, all the time.
She never did that before, always let me pick her up..
As soon as I came close with my hand, she hissed... A bit closer and she nearly bit me.
But she still eats food from my hand if I bring it inside the terrarium.
Could she be like, scared of me because I sprayed a little on her? (It's a big spray cone so it's not like one of those hard spray thingie, just soft and "misty")
She feels like I'm torturing her or something?
Or... Is it because she might want to lay eggs? She likes to sit under the heat lamp a bit more, sat there all day yesterday. Not 100% sure but it looks like she's a bit, just a tiny bit fatter..
/Thanks, Peter