New Member
How low of a watt can I go while still keeping it warm? I had a blue day light, it was much cooler but someone said that it might hurt his eyes, and maybe that would cause squinting but I changed it last week and hes only gotten worse. If the room stays around 70s can I take the basking light out completley for a day to see if thats bothering him? The dome sits on top of the cage but the bulb is about 3 inches above the mesh. He hasnt done it latley but when he first started squinting he was climb circles around the light.
Only your thermometer can tell you how low a watt bulb you can use. Just keep in mind that you only want it to be around 80 degrees in the TOP 8 inches or so of the enclosure. It should fall off to "normal room temperature" at the bottom of the enclosure.
I sounds like it is possible he got a burn. He doesn't have to have come in contact with the bulb (though sometimes the hood is hot to the touch, you want to check that). Think of it like a sunburn...you didn't touch the sun and it felt really good for awhile when you were getting the burn.
It's possible that the blue bulb did do some damage. The fact that it seems worse now doesn't mean it wasn't caused by something earlier. Again, think the sunburn analogy: they are always much, much worse after you've gotten out of the sun.