Emergency Info Needed ASAP! Rescue Animal.


New Member
I hate it when this happens. Back ground: Golden Malaysian Gecko. Age unknown. Approx 6" snout to tip of tail. Paralysis at and distal to hind legs. Possible spinal injury. Incident unknown. Pet store sold reptile last mid-week. Brought back with said condition over weekend but with no visual cause for paralysis. Last time fed/hydrated: unknown. Came to attention: Dropped in for "tie me over til the mail order crickets arrive..." and asked if I would "adopt". Of course I could not leave him to what ever fate awaited him there. He is currently in my home. He has obvious injury to area just above hind legs. Speculated: Possibly stepped on or encounter with larger reptile. Action taken: Soaked 45 min in sterile unchlorinated warm water, housed in 10 g glass tank with screen lid, furnished with layer of wet paper towel, artificial greenery for hidey-furniture. Am using 60 w night red night light with temp gradient set. Gecko resting with fruit flies and apple -- oriented toward apple. Does have forward limb motility with some "shadow" hindleg and tail synapse activity. I appologize if I have used the wrong forum and appreciate direction to the appropriate forum. We are very to reptile speciality vet care in N utah so I appreciate input. thnak you.
This is the forum for chameleon health, not gecko health :(. Basically, your only choice at this time is to take him to a vet, and they may suggest euthanasia.
My apologies, but I have noticed that many members keep multiple reptiles and hope that one of those can confidently direct me to current info on such injuries. as far as euthanasia...I do have the facilities available to me for such, however I would prefer not to.
In that case this thread should have probably gone here:

As for not moving the back legs or the tail, could be impaction, could have fallen, could have been attacked, etc. Unless you know the history of the gecko it's hard to tell without X-Rays etc. If you can get pictures of the gecko, perhaps there is something visible to tell if something is wrong.
Have you noticed any pooping at all? Have you tried rubbing the hind legs to see if he reacts to it?

If you can get a picture of this injury, please post it.
I used to keep this species. Fruit flies are too small for it to eat, try small crickets instead dusted with calcium plus vitamin D3. Also use natural applesauce instead of apple pieces because it is so little. The paralysis could be from the things Syn said but can also be the result of MBD. An x ray would be helpful but only if you go to a vet that is experienced with reptiles. If this gecko cannot catch it's food and eat it you will have to force feed it to keep it alive until paralysis goes away. This would be hard because handling it might further hurt it. Does it eat and drink on it's own? To be honest it might be more humane to put it to sleep because chances of reversing the paralysis are very slim.
I have posted to the alternative reptile forum. I will post photos when available. I do not want to stress him further tonight since he is in a new environment and seems to be resting comfortably for now. Thank you for your help.
Good idea. I hope this isn't anything serious and something that can be fixed with some proper care.
there is an obvious injury. yes, the fruit flies are small but larger food may exerbate the condition and led to full impaction if the intestines are in paraylisis as well. he has only been in my care for the last 4 hrs and i would like to take a conservative primary approach. i think I will be on a 12 h wait and see protocol for now.
I'm not a vet but I have been keeping various reptiles for over 20 years so I have some experience with lizards. Anything I say here is just my own "take" on the problem and may not be correct.The best advice I can give it to get it to a vet, of course.

So the skin is broken? If so, you could use an antibiotic cream on the area in the hope of it not getting an infection. Flamazine is a good one because it shouldn't hurt the gecko if it gets into its mouth. If its been a few days since the injury though, you won't know if it could have picked up an infection already that could have moved into its system.

If the spine is broken there then obviously he might not recover the use of the back legs. If its not broken, then maybe it will recover if it was an injury. I suppose that if he can poop he could live without being able to use the legs.

If the injury is the result of weakening of the bones from lack of calcium, then that is another issue. The calcium issue will have to be corrected. Unless there is an obvious reason to suspect this, only a vet can be sure.

I don't think the vet would have to be a reptile specialist to xray it and determine the bone condition or to tell if the spine is intact.

Will it eat on its own? These geckos are likely easily stressed and force feeding might not go well. You could put some (pure) fruit baby food in a small lid in the cage if it will eat on its own and that way mix any supplements in with it.

Good luck with it.
The Golden Geck did make it through the night -- managed to do a 180 degree turn and tried to climb the glass. Of course only managed to look like he was standing up against it. When he saw me he kind of gave way and crumpled at the floor. I readjusted him flat on his tummy gave the requisite misting and light. When I get home tonight he will get another soak -- seemed to help perk him up last night -- and see if he will eat anything. I like the idea of the baby food. Will get some organic on the way home. Is bannana okay? Will most likely take him in to vet this weekend for xray. He does have a twitch reflex but it is limited.
I would use peach or apricot ahead of banana...I think banana has quite a bit of phosphorus in it if I remember correctly.
Rats! I already used an apple/banana/mango puree with Ca++/D3 and Vits at soak time and left it in his tank for night feeding should he choose. He did not seem intrested in eating at the time but did lick some residue off his lips so I know he knows it's there. I could remash and leave the banana out till tomorrow when I shop again if critical. He did not appear to move any distance during the day -- remained stationary on top of log cave but did do another 180- when put back in this evening after soak. There appeared to be white urate but no feces at cleaning this evening. Hopefully he eat during the night. I am posting photos of injury as well. appologies they are not better. Comments welcomed.


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