Enclosure question.


New Member
I own two veiled chameleons and have recently built a 24x24x48 enclosure. Is this really only large enough for 1 chameleon because it seems HUGE in comparison. The Chameleons are roughly 8-9 inches long from nose to tail.


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Each veiled chameleon needs a seperate enclosure. 48 inchs high is the normal size for an adult or sub-adult veiled.
BTW your cage looks nice you just need to add more horizontal vines and branches.
yes that is only big enough for one veiled chameleon. Veileds are very solitary reptiles and in a small space will become territorial which will cause fighting and stress.
First welcome to the chameleon forums,the veiled chameleon(CHAMAELEO CALYPTRATUS)are a large specie of chameleons and they grow fast,they demande large caging(24x24x48)is actually just an average size cage for 1 adult calyptratus and like ghettomike is saying the problem is that chameleons in general are very territorial animals and especially male veiled chameleons,they are extremely aggressive toward each other,but in a much larger enclosure or free range setup a male calyptratus will coexist well with one or more females if you are interested in breeding,number of eggs per clutch 30 to 70 but should be supervised by experience chameleon keepers.To finish the chamaeleo calyptratus is a very temperature tolerant and hardy specie,very good specie to learn about chameleon keeping.
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