Chameleon Enthusiast
I would avoid the roof idea. Try to place the bin in an area that gets less water run off if possible. I use the long pothos vines to extend down over the bin to provide some cover/privacy or if possible, put a plant in front of the bin. If you add some organic soil to the play sand, you could even put a plant directly in the bin which will not only help with excess drainage that gets in, but provides roots for your girl to lay her eggs against.Thanks for the pointers! Would you suggest that I avoid hanging plants from the top just in general?
What are your thoughts on the coroplast idea? I'm just worried she wouldn't see the lay bin if it was over it. I do have bamboo around the inner sides like little cheap dragon ledges and they work wonderfully, it's just the center places that are the problem, but I can try to get creative haha