Enclosure size.


New Member
I recently (3 weeks ago) got a 10 month old Jackson's and am housing him in a 18x18x36 reptibreeze terrarium. His length as of yesterday was 10.5 inches from horn tip to tail tip. Currently he's going through a pretty good shed so I cant really get a good weight for him. The more and more I observe him in this enclosure I feel like it might just be a little too small for him. Basically my question for you guys is am I right? Should I move to the 24x24x48? I feel like he would have more room to climb and roam around in a bigger enclosure but I'm not entirely sure if this would be essential to his well being. He eats like a pig and is fairly active. Thanks ahead of time!
I would think that the size you have now is adequate, however, bigger is usually better for these guys. It would not hurt to upgrade but probably not necessary, though I am no expert and I am sure one will chime in if I am wrong.
Definitely go bigger! And make sure he has tons of stuff to climb on in all four directions. My Jax is very active. I actually felt like his old 2x2x4 was too small for him.
Definitely go bigger! And make sure he has tons of stuff to climb on in all four directions. My Jax is very active. I actually felt like his old 2x2x4 was too small for him.

Ahhhhh. I haven't done much research on enclosures out there that are even bigger than the 2x2x4. Any suggestions? I read a thread about someone using a rather large bird cage and found that intriguing. I want to move him to something larger/more permanent in the next 4 weeks.
Ditto, I had to make my own cage since there was nothing bigger out there. Plus I wanted something that looked a little more like furniture.

2x2x4 can work, I'm not saying it's wrong or anything like that. I'm just sharing my personal experience. Can you give your cham free range time? He would really enjoy it. My Jax just loves to explore. I try to let him out every morning and on the weekends. He has a circuit he does around the living room, checking all the corners of his territory :)
I really wish I could let him free range but he's still a little uncomfortable around me. Doesn't seem to want to be my friend haha. Basically I'm having all kinds of trouble even getting him out of his enclosure. I'd love to get him out because I purchased some fake trees for the specific reason to allow him to free range on them. I set them up with cross branches about 2.5 feet apart to allow him to go back and forth but he just doesn't want to come out. As for right now he's going through a shed so I am not really trying to get him out or anything.
Get those bendy fake vines, hook one side to something in his cage and the other to his free range, and let him come out on his own. If you pretend to ignore him, he will decide to explore. It may take a while for him to get the courage up.

When he gets comfortable, don't be surprised that he won't stay where you want him to - I've given up on the "he will stay in the tree" thought :D
I am going to give this a shot once he is done with his shed. Thanks! I'll try to keep anyone updated if you care lol
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