enclosure updates


Posted a few days ago about changing my chams enclosure as hes growing. Decided to go ahead with it and would love some ideas on what I can do for him. Would be a great help if anyone has any tips to better drainage and better ways to give him water! As well as ways to utilize some of thata space towards the top! Here are some photos let me know what you think, cant really see the depth but theres alot if space between the logs!


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It's a good start but you need a lot more horizontal branches staggered at different heights of the enclosure. Climbing the screen can lead to a loss of nails which could progress to infection, etc. Also, maybe have a hanging plant like pothos to fill in the top 1/3 and create more walkways.
As far as drainage goes, I just drilled some holes in the PVC bottom and the weight of my scheflerra helps the water to drain towards the middle into a bucket that gets emtpied a few times a week.
okay thanks, i have got vines to go in but in terms of horizontal branches and hanging things how do i go about securing things to the screen?
okay thanks, i have got vines to go in but in terms of horizontal branches and hanging things how do i go about securing things to the screen?
You can use thumb tacks. Just push them into the end of the branch from the outside. Or fishing line. I've done both and they both work great. For the plant, use a cross support beam on the top of the cage and use heavy test fishing line to tie the hook to
It's a good start but you need a lot more horizontal branches staggered at different heights of the enclosure. Climbing the screen can lead to a loss of nails which could progress to infection, etc. Also, maybe have a hanging plant like pothos to fill in the top 1/3 and create more walkways.
As far as drainage goes, I just drilled some holes in the PVC bottom and the weight of my scheflerra helps the water to drain towards the middle into a bucket that gets emtpied a few times a week.
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