EpiWeb - Might be a great for plants


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EpiWeb - Great idea for plants





Perhaps it's been brought up before. But has anyone used it in their Cham enclosure? Looks like neat stuff.
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are you here in the states?

where would one find epiweb?

those pictures are gorgeous~ i especially like the one with the tree branch made from epiweb
They sell it in Canada and import to USA. I inquired with the company about the branches, that's one item they didn't have, but hopefully will stock it soon.

This is a Swedish made medium, primarily for orchids:

Epiweb consists of a plastic material that will not decompose and that will always keep itself moist and free from substances which could harm roots. Epiweb is 100 % Toxic free and are made of 70 % recycled plastic.
It is available in several designs, for planting in pots and as slabs. The material is also available in larger plates for use as background in glass display cases etc.

Technical information
· Material description - Polyetylentereftalat (PET)
· Waterkeeping ability - 76% of its own weight
· Salinity/conductivity - 0,01
· pH-value - Neutral 7,0
· Colour - Greyish black
· Weight - 97 g/litre
· UV-resistance - UV-solid


· Is pH neutral and non-decomposing. Has a low salinity and easy to rinse.
· Has a repelling effect on snails, because of the coarse material.
· Is easy to plant in and makes the plant stand steady in the pot.
· Doesn't float and is therefore easy to water.
· Protects roots in block cultivating (roots grow inside material instead of on top of).
· Prolongs time to reeplant (no replanting due to decomposed substrate).
· No disturbance of the plant while exchanging decomposed substrate.
· Natural appearance, very close to real Dicksonia.
· Suits all epifytics etc
· Could be mixed with every kind of substrate or used as the only material.
· Light, therefore low shipping cost and maintains its qualities for a long time.
· Creates a microclimate around roots with lots of oxygen and moisture.

Can be found here


The pictures are not mine, just linked so people could see first hand how it could be used.
This would be great in pygmy tanks.

How could we use it for decoration in screen old world cham enclosures? It would make such a lovely accent up part of a side and would keep it humid.
Possibly used on the back of the cage, it would give pathos and air ferns a place to grow into. I also think the branch would be a great addition.



or the hanging basket



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