Escape Dubia Roaches

I once had a bunch of escaped hissers. I was not worried about it because they need warm temps to survive. Well, they just find someplace warm to hang out and breed. I never saw any running loose, but when I rearranged my herp room some two years later, there was a huge colony going behind one of my large enclosures. Like maybe 5000. :eek:
While its not 100%, unless you live in a tropical climate, the roaches:

Dont mate
cant have offspring (the females explode)
cant shed (never become adults)

So yea they walk around, thats about it. Id hate to have poison around and have one of my lizard get a tainted snack because one found its way back into one of the cages. Hey who hasnt found a cricket in the bathroom etc. And yes ive found adults that i lost for several months, just hanging out around the house.
I once had a bunch of escaped hissers. I was not worried about it because they need warm temps to survive. Well, they just find someplace warm to hang out and breed. I never saw any running loose, but when I rearranged my herp room some two years later, there was a huge colony going behind one of my large enclosures. Like maybe 5000. :eek:

That sounds more like a jackpot than a nightmare. I've seen what hisserd are selling for...
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