European Chameleon??

Yes I think it's called common chameleon
They are hard to keep and not easy to get. They need to be housed individually.
It would also be hard to get permits from your authorities, in some countries in which they live they can be imported like a dilepis or gracilis, in other countries ( the hole EU) they are endangered and very strict protected by laws
where is it native from? Im thinking the name may be deceiving of origin, but would be pretty cool for a non tropical chameleon to be there.
I kept them for a number of years in the early to mid 90's. It was the first species of chameleon that I hatched the eggs of. I kept back a number of babies and they (and the WC) adults lived with me for 5+ years...females included.

Every egg hatched properly except one (it took on too much moisture and the fully formed baby was dead in the egg).

I didn't find them difficult to keep. They never seemed to have any health issues and where quite "mellow" as chameleons go. They could be kept in pairs (1.1) as long as you know enough to tell if they are showing any (silent) stress and separate them if needed.

Here's some information indicating the range, etc....
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