Eva's first day on FR by window


Established Member
There was not a cloud in the sky so her free range was moved to the window. She showed some good colors and was very alert. Her she is.

Will she always stay this color or go to pinkish/orange like most female panthers?



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Nice shots! What a great lookin female panther you got there. Females don't get enough credit on these forums...What camera do you shoot with?

And just a tip, UVB can't travel through glass. So if you want your cham to get full UVB from the sun it's best to let your chams bask outside :)
Don't know much about female panthers, but she is beautiful and if she is like my Picasso, will love looking out the window.
Nice shots! What a great lookin female panther you got there. Females don't get enough credit on these forums...What camera do you shoot with?

And just a tip, UVB can't travel through glass. So if you want your cham to get full UVB from the sun it's best to let your chams bask outside :)

Sony DSC-HX1, and yea it was just a little to cold to take her outside so she has to suffice with the window look. It only hit like 53 degrees so a lil to cold
Hi she is pretty :)

She will turn pinkish/peach as she ages. Some have kept some odd ball coloring for females but 99.999% go pink :p
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