Evergreen Bagworm larva


New Member
Just a quick question, you guys think its okay to feed my Cham some of these guys?? Got alot of them killing a small pine in my yard..


  • BagwormCat27Jy07s.jpg
    112.8 KB · Views: 150
Going off the colors alone, id say no. this is not the type of animal you'd want to feed, it looks potentially toxic.
Goes well with Prada worms and Gucci grubs! Only for more discerning (rich) chameleons!
Make sure its versace!! :D
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Errgh, Yu-Gi-Oh and Bakugan are too BLEH for me.
I prefer the original series of the anime, and the games. The newer anime for pokemon is just getting out of hand.


If they are eating at a pine Id give it miss mate.Who knows what toxic chemicals they are ingesting from pine trees.
Very true, Ive feed him a few, and he seems to really like em, but I'll put a stop to it. Thanks for the keep back
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