Everyone else! (Pic heavy)


New Member
Well I've been around long enough that I think it's time to introduce the rest of the zoo.

I'll start with the ball pythons.

Yoshi, my first ball, is a normal. He will not be bred because he has had a lot of problems with his health and I'm worried that it could be the cause of bad genes. I am NOT about hatching sick animals.


Birdo, my second ball, is a Ghana ball python and is my dinker baby.


Bullet Bill is my first morph ball python, a yellow belly. He is a very big boy! He likes to hang out around my neck in the evenings.


Finally, my baby Petey. He is normal, het for albino. I have a female albino coming to me in the spring :) She will be his girlfriend and they will make pretty albino babies for me!


Here is a gorgeous little Pastel ph Pied coming to me next month:


Slowly but surely building up a good breeding group of ball pythons :D

Here is my Pacman frog, Mango:


Finally, my little doggie Choxie the Pomeranian :D

wow that is a zoo! the more i see pet snakes the more i like them but i just feel like they need a whole room full of trees or something(i know they dont) becuz they are so big and need to stretch. lol. goodluck on the breeding btw! the snakes are beautiful :D
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