Everyone hates red eared sliders...


My hubby found a hatchling out in the desert (shame on people dumping invasive species) and picked it up. Turtle was about 1.5 inches in diameter, when found at the end of July (lunchbox pic and basking pic). Now he is a beast! I could barely get a shot of him and I need to get a larger set up. I’ve got a pleco and pistrella tetras in there along with a couple of anubias varieties; 20 gal tall tank with 40 gal fluval filter. I need to secure the anubias to wood or rocks. So far he has only eaten one tetra.

My goal is to eventually do a stock tank set up. See what happens when you try to reduce invasive species? :oops: F7FAE57F-9CF4-4161-905D-BDF55E8B4CE8.jpeg 9B1DA1F9-A864-43DB-A3FE-9B6736C6215F.jpeg C8E5130E-B179-4C78-AD83-742760B98C75.jpeg 2417F9AE-92FB-4B98-959D-0A34F8668266.jpeg 69F43AE9-0E9B-45D0-9788-9A23D13932FA.jpeg
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Eventually, he/she will need 10 SWIMMABLE gallons per inch of shell length, my one red eared slider has a 150 gallon extra tall aquarium. Upgrade once and make it big so you don’t waste money on extra tanks that he/she will eventually grow out of. Do you have the proper supplements, lighting, cuttlebone, food, etc? Make sure whatever filter you use is, at minimum, triple the capacity of whatever tank you use, I use a filter rated for up to 900 gph.
Is yours a stock tank set up? I have a bunch of old variable sized tanks for now. My goal is to get him/her outside in a set up like this: http://www.turtleforum.com/forum/up...door-stock-tank-built-for-hibernation/&page=1 I will put a cover over it to because the turtle is still small enough to be carried off.

I’ve got the lights, supplements and everything in order as per: http://www.austinsturtlepage.com/Care/caresheet-red_ear_slider.htm

I’d love to see pics of your set up and your sliders! They are fun to watch.
Is yours a stock tank set up? I have a bunch of old variable sized tanks for now. My goal is to get him/her outside in a set up like this: http://www.turtleforum.com/forum/up...door-stock-tank-built-for-hibernation/&page=1 I will put a cover over it to because the turtle is still small enough to be carried off.

I’ve got the lights, supplements and everything in order as per: http://www.austinsturtlepage.com/Care/caresheet-red_ear_slider.htm

I’d love to see pics of your set up and your sliders! They are fun to watch.
Only have one and the room is a mess. Once it’s cleaned up (hopefully within the next week), I’ll post some pics. Mine is female so I’m trying to make a floating lay bin under her basking area
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