Exactly one month after signs of MBD


Dexter is definitely a fighter. He wasn't able to walk a month ago, but now he's much better. After hearing people he would not make it, I was so hurt, but we didn't give up! I highly encourage people to fight hard when chams get sick! image.jpeg image.jpeg
Glad it's a happy ending for him, he will always have battle scars but it's good to see he will live a happy life. I work in the pet industry and it always saddens me to see animals come through the door with obvious mbd despite having been given good advice on how to avoid it in the first place!
Glad it's a happy ending for him, he will always have battle scars but it's good to see he will live a happy life. I work in the pet industry and it always saddens me to see animals come through the door with obvious mbd despite having been given good advice on how to avoid it in the first place!
Yes, I suppose the breeder was not taking good care of him. They should also inform buyers about the diet and lighting needed for their survival.
Everyone one thanks you for taking their advice and following through with it all. There are so many people who fight what everyone say and make it 10 times worse. That's why we say it sometime because we really want to help everyone as much as possible but 3 out of 10 really take what advice they get here seriously and follow through with it. Thank you for doing what is right for your chameleon and you. I know he thanks you very much. Glad to see dexter is doing a whole lot better. Keep it up
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