Excess saliva!!!


I took my female out today and she looked fine in herself until she gaped at me!!!


As Camimom said, it's time for a vet.

It's important to note that increasing humidity is not a cure for the respiratory infection, though it may help to thin the mucus so the cham can expel it while the infection itself is treated with an antibiotic.

When a cham has a respiratory infection, as evidenced by a bunch of bubbly mucus, there is little time to waste in getting the cham onto medication.
The longer you wait, the weaker the cham becomes and the stronger the infection gets.
I'll be getting her on meds ASAP she is in a stack with 4 other panthers, which thrive. I've got a rain system that goes off 3 times a day, she's just finished shedding and she poos and has white urates.
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