Exersizing his thing?


Avid Member
Exercizing his thing?

I went up to my 4 1/2-5 month old cham & he had his butt out and had this big red nasty looking thing hanging out!!!!:eek: Needless to say I was FREAKED!!! ....... but as I watched he retracted the whole thing back into his tail... not towards his body.... & strolled off as everything was fine. Whats up with that!!!!??? was he just playin with his JUNK!?.....
He was just showing off!:p My guy did this last month and freaked me out pretty bad. Same exact thing, just tucked it back in, and strolled off. If for some reason it doesnt go back in, then thats bad. But if its back were it belongs, all is well. Ive only seen my guy do it once.
are you sure you didn't just catch him right after he was pooping?

I saw my guy do something similar once, I actually thought it was prolapse but it just turned out to be the end of a very gigantic poop :p
I see I wasn't the only one shocked when it happen!!!:eek:
My panther likes to do it in the morning when I'm misting!!:rolleyes:
are you sure you didn't just catch him right after he was pooping?

I saw my guy do something similar once, I actually thought it was prolapse but it just turned out to be the end of a very gigantic poop :p

No...... I watched him drop a tree stump dump early this morning;) He was just airing out the goods...;)
are you sure you didn't just catch him right after he was pooping?

I saw my guy do something similar once, I actually thought it was prolapse but it just turned out to be the end of a very gigantic poop :p

No. There junk looks very, um, unique. Like a bright red mushroom. Or more like a peice or bright red sea mushroom, moving around, with wite tips all over the middle.
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