exo terra sri lanka backwall needed EU


New Member
Hi guys im searching for my selfmade
Cage a background theme from exo terra
The sri lanka set named congo with the buddha
Well if searched my *** off and the only way it seems to
Be bought is in germany and thats with the enclosure
Included... now im wondering if someone knows if there
Is any way to buy the backwall only and if so which company
Ships it to europe... or a realy nice person who i can buy it of haha realy the last peace that makes my
Maya theme cage complete.. Thxxx!!!!
Well i just went to a reptile show here in anaheim california and they where selling backround tamplates, i dont know if they had the one you where describing, but all of them looked awsome, you can try this site NARBC and see when is the next one or take a look at the sponsors, or try this site http://www.universalrocks.com, good luck

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