expired supplements safe??

i wouldn't think too use them either, but what is weird, Is that i was just at the National Breeders Expo. There was a both there selling blow out zoo med products cheat and the supplements were out of date. I overheard him telling customers that they are go for 3 years past the date on the bottle as long as we aren't open.

Where and when was this?
Because this post makes no sense.
That would cost me a lot of money for expired supplements : (
Right, I don't know why they even suggested that. :eek:
Where and when was this?
Because this post makes no sense.
What they are saying is:
i wouldn't think too use them either, but what is weird, Is that i was just at the National Breeders Expo. There was a both there selling blow out zoo med products cheat and the supplements were out of date. I overheard him telling customers that they are go for 3 years past the date on the bottle as long as we aren't open.
I wouldn't think to use them either. What is weird is that I was just at the National Breeders Expo and there was a booth selling blow out (on sale) Zoo Med products cheap and the supplements were out of date. I overhead him telling customers that they are good for 3 years after the date on the bottle as long as they are not open.

We good? :rolleyes:
they have expiry dates for a reason.

imo, the store should be notified, and if this has been a scam to rid of their products without ordering fresh ones, inspectors for businesses should be contacted and sent without warning.

you should just go there open all the expired suppliments and spill them on the floor. :D
Yes, they do have expiry dates, but not always for a reason. Playing devil's advocate here, perhaps the company WANTS you to throw it away so you will go and purchase more of their product. I think without contacting the company itself and asking about the expiry date and how it is formed... no more assumptions should me made.

Why would you notify business inspectors? I just don't see the point. Perhaps they did not know expired supplements would be any different. For all we know the company could have told the pet shop that the expiry on supplements are actually dated x number of years before they actually go bad.

I am not sure why you would suggest spilling the supplements. :eek: Just seems childish, no offense.
What they are saying is:

I wouldn't think to use them either. What is weird is that I was just at the National Breeders Expo and there was a booth selling blow out (on sale) Zoo Med products cheap and the supplements were out of date. I overhead him telling customers that they are good for 3 years after the date on the bottle as long as they are not open.

We good? :rolleyes:

Well ya I knew that, I was just trying to figure out why a vendor's opinion at a show in Daytona(?) would have any relevance to a store in Canada selling the product.

Mostly I just forgot that there was even a National Breeders show in the US recently, being in Canada, talking about a Canadian store and considering our (Canadian) Reptile Breeders Expo is happening in 3 weeks.

I should clarify further that I'm only discussing the Canadian element here, not the expired supplements directly :p
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