Extra small silkworms and food.


New Member
So I just picked up my chameleon some silkworms (from www.mulberryfarms.com) to vary his diet up. My cham is only about 4 months and is tiny, I didn't want to get him worms that were too big that he couldn't/wouldn't eat, so i played it safe and got the extra small worms. They weren't kidding these things are soooooo tiny. I was thinking like they would be super big like the picture of one the size of this guys pinky on the website.

My question is, if i plan on not letting all of these tiny worms go to waste, what should I feed them to gut load them? is there any mix I can make that is homemade, I have pounds of crested gecko diet I can feed them. How long should it take the worms to grow out? and what should I store them in? Thanks!
They eat leaves from mullberry trees, or you can buy a chow (either pre-cooked or in powder form). For a very short term, you can use dandelion leaves or carrot as well, though I wouldnt recommend that for extra tiny silkies.
Keep in mind when you order silks that they are extremely soft body caterpilars, and can be pretty long and still be enjoyed by ur chameleon. The width of the worm shouldn't exceed the space between the eyes, but it can be much longer. I feel like they sent you kegos or the 2nd phaze guys. My veiled is only a month older than yours, and he enjoys small-medium silks, which are pretty darn big tbh but he downs em like spaghetti. Same with my panther, no luck with the fischer.
Did you order them with food? grow them out, it won't take that long. so long as they are moving your cham will probably still try to eat them.
Wait til you see how big they are in a month :eek:
Lacking Mulberry trees in my area, I ordered the chow.
You need to feed them food made from mulberry leaves. If you plan to keep feeding your guy worms the best way is to raise them from eggs, which are cheaper than buying hatched ones. Since your guy is still small, feed the worms twice or three times a week to slow growth.
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